About Us

The Berkeley Startup Cluster is a collaborative effort of:

We share the mission to make Berkeley a more vibrant, accessible and equitable place for startups to launch and grow.

The Berkeley Startup Cluster was formed to help make Berkeley more attractive to startups that wish to locate our city, especially those spinning out of UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Lab.  We also help the local economy benefit from the corresponding jobs, creativity and investment that ensue.

The Berkeley Startup Cluster workplan works across 7 areas:

Provide local innovators with information about resources and opportunities.


  • Publicize Berkeley innovation ecosystem activities and resources through the Berkeley Startup Cluster website and newsletter and social media (LinkedIn, X, Facebook).
  • Help local entrepreneurs access financing through Berkeley funds and pitch events.

Increase the diversity of participants in the innovation sector.


Host quality events and cultivate networks for Berkeley entrepreneurs.


  • Host or sponsor events that connect Berkeley entrepreneurs and key support organizations or facilities.
  • Co-sponsor and promote startup or innovation-focused events hosted by Women Entrepreneurs of Berkeley (WEB) .

Align city policy to support local innovation and startup growth.


  • Increase elected leader support for the local innovation ecosystem.
  • Update the Berkeley Municipal Code requirements for Berkeley entrepreneurs to exempt state & federal government R&D grants from the calculation of gross receipts for local taxation.

Improve Berkeley’s image as a place for startups.


  • Increase awareness of Berkeley's entrepreneurs and innovation assets through the #DiscoveredinBerkeley campaign & other channels.
  • Highlight Berkeley's unique innovation venues through annual BSC events.

Develop local infrastructure to meet the needs of the innovation sector.


  • Increase public transportation options between Downtown and West Berkeley.
  • Participate in regional solutions to increase housing affordability and Bay Area public transportation.

Match businesses with suitable office and wet lab space.