The Berkeley Startup Cluster is guided by a Steering Committee and more than 50 Advisors with a shared desire to leverage Berkeley’s innovation sector to improve economic vitality, fiscal health and quality of life in the City of Berkeley.
Adena aIshii
Mayor, City of Berkeley
Lon Addison
Strategic Consultant, Digital Catalyst
Advisor, Geopogo
Adjunt Faculty, University College Dublin School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy
Joel Armin-Hoiland
Founder & CEO, Climate Finance Solutions
Co-Founder and Advisor, The Climate Map
Gregory Bell
Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Corelight
Former Division Director for Scientific Networking, LBNL
Ryan Bethencourt
Co-Founder and CEO, Wild Earth
Co-Founder and Venture Partner, IndieBio
Eric Bjerkholt
CFO, Chinook Therapeutics
Director, Cerus Corporation
Director, Graybug Vision
Etosha Cave
Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer, Opus 12
Sibyl Chen
General Manager, Berkeley SkyDeck
Kristi Childers
Commercial Real Estate Advisor, JLL
Rahul Chopra
Partner, Ventus Partners
Sr. Advisor – Energy Technologies Area, Berkeley Lab
Entrepreneur and Strategic Advisor
Jennifer Cogley
Deputy Director for Community Relations, Bayer
Nicole Cotton
Program Manager for the CITRIS Workforce Innovation
Mentor for the Berkeley Ventures, Berkeley Values Competition Learning Lab
Kim-Mai Cutler
Partner, Initialized Capital early-stage venture fund
Former technology and financial journalist, TechCrunch
Kal Deutsch
Founding Investor-Advisor and Partner, Batchery startup accelerator
Investor, Berkeley Angel Network
International startup lecturer and coach
Steven Donaldson
Co-Founder and Principal, Radiant Brands
Tiff Dressen
Strategic Initiatives lead, UC Berkeley Office of Research
Jeremy Fiance
Founder and Managing Partner, The House Fund
Jill Fuss
Managing Director, Activate Berkeley
Susan Giesecke
Director of Global Engagement, Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
Deepak Gupta
Managing Partner, Blue Bear Ventures
Startup Advisor, Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship Program at UC Berkeley
Jeremy Hammer
Founder, CatalistX
Stig Hansen
Co-founder, CEO and President, Kimia Therapeutics
Co-founder and Director, Carmot Therapeutics
Founder and CEO, Sotorasib RH LLC
Rachel Haurwitz
Co-Founder, CEO and President, Caribou Biosciences
Steven Horowitz
Founder and Principal, Ovidian Group global intellectual property business advisory firm
Mentor, UC Berkeley-Haas Entrepreneurship Program
Judge & Mentor, UC Berkeley Big Ideas Competition
Judge & Mentor, UC Berkeley LAUNCH Accelerator
David Horsley
Founder and CTO, TDK-Chirp Microsystems
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC Davis
Adjunct Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
Co-Director, Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center
Wesley Jackson
CEO and Co-Founder, Valitor
Neena Kadaba
Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Apple Tree Partners
Former Director of Science, Quark Venture
Former Director of Strategic Partnerships, QB3
Randy Katz
Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley
Clark Kellogg
Co-Founder, Berkeley Innovation Group
Faculty Lead, “Innovation, Creativity, & Design Practice,” Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
Visual Artist
Michelle Kiang
CEO and Co-Founder, Chirp Microsystems
Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Impact Science Ventures
Justin Knapp
Grants and Projects Administrator, ALL Power Labs
Camille LeBlanc
Founder and Board Chair, Blancspot Media
CEO and Founder, Juice Networks LLC
Chief Strategy Officer, Four Twenty Seven Inc.
Marco Lobba
Co-founder and CEO, Catena Biosciences
Michelle Lu
Chief Scientific Officer, Novel Farms
Richard Lyons
Chancellor, UC Berkeley
Achille Massoma
CEO and Co-Founder, Kinshapes
Founder, MeNiwe African business incubator
Keith McAleer
Communications Director, UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology and Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
Carol Mimura
Assistant Vice Chancellor, UC Berkeley’s Office of IP & Industry Research Alliances
Sloane Morgan
Developer, A3 Ventures Innovation Lab (GIG Car Share)
Customer Experience Officer, Sungevity
General Counsel
Tom Nishioka
Vice President, Thor Equities commercial real estate investor and developer
Ryan Pandya
CEO and Co-Founder, Perfect Day
Bhavin Parikh
CEO and Founder, Magoosh
Kinkead Reiling
Founder and CEO, Bonneville Labs coworking space
Co-Founder, Amyris
David Reimer
Professional Faculty, Berkeley-Haas School of Business